You so pretty but a little fat? F.A.T..fat?
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized « Maternity Portraits- Fairfield County- Wilton Studio Fall is in the air and so is the smell of fear! It’s Family Portrait Time! » |
© 2025 Moments by Andrea|ProPhoto Photography Blogsite by NetRivet Blogs
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Andrea, thank you for this honest and brave post. As someone who has been on and off diets since I was six (and currently writing a memoir about my lifelong struggle with the issue of being//feeling fat) I really resonated with your willingness to speak the topic out loud. It’s time we all addressed this enormous elephant in the room: the elephant of feeling fat, no matter what our weight is, which really means feeling inadequate and less than. Fat is a euphanism for lacking in the most basic way; feeling unworhy of being loved even when we are so obviously loved by our families and friends.
Thanks for starting the conversation on such an honest and real level. I wish we could find a forum to continue it. Best of luck. And by the way, you are absolutely gorgeous just as you are….
Wow Susie! That is so true! thank you for commenting and adding to this story! YOUR comment resented with ME! I have felt so UNWORTHY of BEING LOVED even when I am so deeply loved by my family and so blessed to have the most amazing husband all because of the extra pounds. But WHY?? Why do we do this to ourselves? It’s so crazy! And thank you for the compliment!
My dear friend, I really understand , as you now I was a “elite “sport woman in my country for many years and at that time I was bulimic fo 5year!) yes 5 long years! It was to much pressure from my coach, family and everyone! Because I have to be ” perfect” in every way. I hate in some point my life , because I love to eat and everyone was looking or asking me what I have for lunch, dinner or snack , it was crazy! My weight it is ok Now only because you know me I have a crazy life!! I never stop! but I always know that I was bulimic and I can be bulimic again that my fight in life. And I can tell you something else skinny is not always healthy and that was my case.
Love you my dear friend
Fer ( sorry for my english, but between Spanish and Italian Uffff)
Im so proud of you !!
over and over and truly see your inner and outer beauty.we always have things about ourselfs that we hate …funny when I was thinner I never saw I was healthy. Just never the double 00 just a 7…. I got a nose job then became more confident only to put weight on and losing again when I got braces …when they came off I was over weight again..then when I got a small convertible car lost weight and again after becoming a mom and gaining 73 pounds in pregnancy..my focus hasn’t been on anything but raising my child in all the best that I can..unfortunately medical situations get in my way of becoming me…but then again who is me!!…as being in another whole mind set and not on the prowl I have gotten so out of control and need to take CONTROL of this self sabotage ….I continue to try to be happy with myself and continue to grow emotionally with people like you in my path …heres to all our journeys for self acceptance may we get to see what others see..may we accept things others cant and continue to be the best mothers and role models we can be .again thank you Andrea for being YOU!
you are beautiful andrea. beautiful and so talented. you have a heart of gold. you have great style. you are amazing. you are so many things. i remember a bit ago you posted a picture of yourself and your husband….i think you were away or out for your anniversary or some special occasion….and as i looked at the picture….i said to myself…my god is she gorgeous. i will never forget that. that is what i think about when i picture you…never does your weight cross my mind. thank you for sharing. and thank you for encouraging me to get into the pictures with my children. you gave us an amazing gift that afternoon. we will forever be grateful for the images you captured. xoxo -tricia
Thank you for your kind words! I think most of it is in my head. Unfortunately that word FAT is in the heads of so many woman and it stops us from fully embracing life and makes us feel like undesirable failures, no matter what others see. So sad! And I’m soooo glad you came for family photos! It had been too many years! And YOU are soo beautiful too!
YOUR kindness always amazes ME! You have a heart of gold! Love it “may we get to see what others see”. Well said! THAT is the goal! Your story is so familiar and I’ve heard it from so many women since writing this blog. All we see is our fat and how it defines us and limits us but WE are the ones letting it have that power! Let’s stop! Thank YOU for sharing and for the beautiful and kind words as always!
Thank you so much for sharing your story Fer! And the English was perfect! I did know you were (ARE) an athlete but I did not know you were bulimic for so long. I look at you and see the most beautiful woman with an amazing body and LOVE of LIFE and people! You are literally one of the warmest people I have ever met! You light up a room with your glow and your love is so strong! It saddens me that you were in pain for so long but I’m so happy to hear you are in recovery! Love to you my dear friend! Thank you so much for sharing! xo
UPDATE: I’ve gained anther 20 lbs since posting this blog. Maybe the words hurt more than I thought. Wondering if there is a connection.